• New video of Trinity Kick
    2012-03-18 | just working on | read post

    Just uploaded this improved video of Reconstruct Trinity Kick project. Some thoughts came along while rethinking the project.

    One of the inspirations comes from the well-known scene of the Matrix film where Trinity jumps and the time freezes while the camera turns around.

    What is engaging in post apocalyptic fictions?

    Seeing all the cultural assets destroyed, which ensures our everyday life at a level we all got used to. How to start over when all elements of our civilized world disappear? What is the substance of civilization at all? All the gigantic machineries built for serving our comfort that we all refer to as “big cities”? Or is the civilization interiorized in our mindset? Does the destruction of the physical assets mean an inevitable downgrading of the quality of life or is it rather a chance to make a jump to a new level? A jumping gesture in the emptiness of ruins is a good start. Do you think that`s air you`re breathing now?

  • Kinect Wings
    2012-03-10 | just working on | read post

    Today`s craziness from KIBU`s Friday`s Hacking session. See what is possible today with just a few hours of hacking! Thanx to Arduino, Processing, Kinect and Synapse and of course the Tiny Wings game by Andreas Illiger!

    It turned out to be really enjoyable (and tiring) to play :)

    Have a look at the project page for more details!

    If you want to make your own Kinect Wings you will find the codes and instructions needed here:

  • Evan Roth presentation
    2012-03-06 | thoughts | read post

    Somebody who always speaks about hacking but doesn`t like to write code so much... a story from the very heart of the most inspiring lively-techy-hacky underground culture.

    You can find link to the entire presentation at the end of the video.

  • Ice face fox
    2012-02-28 | ideas | read post

    Ice face fox
    It was a good idea to take a walk, I found so many surprising things outside. First I found this ice fox face above.

    river in river
    Secondly, I found a river in a river.

    Geometric ices
    Geometric ices.

    Stones floating
    Stones floating on the water.

    Inspiring lights
    Inspiring lights on the half-frozen bay.

  • Wardrobe monster
    2012-02-25 | ideas | read post

    Wardrobe monster

    This guy scared me for a moment in my room today :)

  • Wedding between art and agriculture
    2012-02-22 | cultural | read post

    Kultivator is a young community of artist and farmers on the island of Öland (Sweden). Promising experiment for a new way of cross-disciplinary activities.

    The idea behind is to make chances of surviving stronger and to make life more fun by adding different knowledges together. It seems like it could work - farmers can provide inspirative environment and food supply while artist can attract people and give helping hands on the farm.

    Check out Regine`s interview here: Interview with Kultivator, an experimental cooperation of organic farming and visual art practice - wmmna

  • Future starts today, not tomorrow
    2012-02-22 | inspired me | read post

    Nice font (intro), nice phrase (should be repeated every morning).

  • 25 ways to wear a scarf
    2012-02-11 | cultural | read post

    Funny and good quality video about the different ways scarf could be weared. It comes with links to more detailed individual videos about the different tie methods.

    Found at Dóri`s blog: Sálak, kendők.

  • Egg representation analysis
    2012-02-07 | just working on | read post

    We analysed the advertising graphics used on egg boxes. The original graphic is hidden, they are pixelated to leave more to imagination.

    The descriptions are only in hungarian.

  • swan
    2012-01-28 | just working on | read post

    ...while researching on visualizations for the bird-man thingy...

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