• United light years of Hungary
    2011-12-05 | ideas | read post

    The idea occurred during the work on Subjective Atlas of Hungary.

    You know i don`t mind sharing stupid ideas... So it was about measuring the total amount of light emitted from cities in Hungary. And then imagine that - with some magic - if we converted this quantity into light years... we would see how far Hungary would fly in the Universe...

    i told you it`s stupid. (this idea was not included in the atlas - guess why :)

  • Cover design workshop for Subjective Atlas of Hungary
    2011-10-25 | just working on | read post

    Last week we had a book cover design workshop for the Subjective Atlas of Hungary, a book of unusual ways how we see Hungary. Every participants could design their own cover and it was printed and the book was produced on the spot immediately.

    It was organized by HVG Books and Kitchen Budapest and was fun!