- Plastic box face
- How to design gingerbreads?
It`s always exciting to make custom design gingerbreads in Christmas rather than using mass-produced heart, christmas tree or star shapes.
To design your own gingerbread is easier you might first think, the only trick is to make good sketches before working on the dough. In my case I used an iPad drawing software (Paper by Fifty Three). Here I present a few simple steps which may help you to achieve nice results.
1. First draw the shape with simple lines without thinking about how it will be translated into gingerbread art.
2. Secondly, make an outline around the sketch. Be aware that this outline will be the containing shape of your gingerbread. Follow the sketch loosely and you shouldn`t worry if your drawing will be recognizable by the outline itself or not.
3. Then paint the outline with brown colour to verify how it will look like as a baked gingerbread.
4. Then use white color to make the original drawing back into the brown shape. Draw thick lines and avoid too much details, because this is what you need to reproduce by sugar using some cake decorating tool.
5. You are ready! You have the sketches on paper so it will be easy to make the real custom gingerbread according to your design! You can even use little sugar balls or pepper or nuts to make more decoration!
I hope this guide inspired you! Merry Christmas! - Pee monkey
- Light Graffiti2012-05-10 | just working on | read post
This is what we`ve done recently for a commission by Magyar Telekom. It is another drawing application but the visuals look like neon glow. Also pay attention on how we handled the gesture of lifting the "spray" by the multiplication and parallax effect on the hand cursor.
The idea was to make the visuals similar to the traditional light graffiti that you can create with a light source photographed with long exposure. - Ice face fox
It was a good idea to take a walk, I found so many surprising things outside. First I found this ice fox face above.
Secondly, I found a river in a river.
Geometric ices.
Stones floating on the water.
Inspiring lights on the half-frozen bay. - Wardrobe monster
This guy scared me for a moment in my room today :) - swan2012-01-28 | just working on | read post
...while researching on visualizations for the bird-man thingy... - How can you turn a man into a bird?2012-01-26 | just working on | read post
Sketch of a minimal installation/game using kinect - converting human skeleton into animal`s. More posts coming about the progress later. - On a childhood place
I was in Szeged this weekend and walked out to see the sunset when i noticed this died out lake with a little garbage but having it`s own beauty.
This seemingly worthless spot is full of meaning for me, it is a spot of my childhood. We wandered here, had war with fictional enemies here, bicycled, sleighed here.
I was thinking what to do with it. I was thinking if this place is full with memories from childhood, it must be distorted in my mind. I mean, probably i see this place differently according to my memories which mix with the actual view. Then i thought it would be cool to have a draw and photograph of the same view, then somehow to put together to see what torsions the drawing had.
further view
closer view - Pancake panda
It was almost complete just needed a little marmalade addition.
3D agriculture apocalypse app architecture arduino arrow art art-talk audio Baltan Laboratories Based on Pig beauty beyond data bicycle bird blog book BoP market bridge budapest business card calligraphy camera carrot childhood cinder city cloud collaboration comment cover crisis CSA culture currency dance data design device DIY drawing eco ecowizer Ed Borden effect egg Evan Roth event face farm fashion FAT LAB film fluid fluxus font food fox framework freenect fröccs fukushima fun future gallery game gastro geneva gesture gingerbread glow graffiti green hacking hand html hungary ice idea iMac infographic installation interface iphone javascript Jodi Rose kibu kinect Kitchen Budapest lamp light light year Makifood market matrix Max/MSP memory money monster motion sensor multitouch music myth narrator nature neon nokia 6110i open source organic OS Kantine pachube pancake panda pee phrase physical pirate pixel post-it presentation prezi processing pub pumpkin radio recipe record recorder representation research Restaurant Day resume retro robot scarf servo silhouette simulation skeleton sketch smart snake sound soup sticker storytelling street stupid sustainability tangible team template test tiny wings tomato transportation tree trinity kick typo UI underground underwater urban vacum-cleaner vector graphic vegetable video visualization voice werk whistle workshop