• Evan Roth presentation
    2012-03-06 | thoughts | read post

    Somebody who always speaks about hacking but doesn`t like to write code so much... a story from the very heart of the most inspiring lively-techy-hacky underground culture.

    You can find link to the entire presentation at the end of the video.

  • Ed Borden talked about Pachube
    2011-11-22 | thoughts | read post

    Yesterday Ed Borden was in Kibu and gave an inspiring lecture on what they are working on these days in Pachube. I previously followed the history of Pachube from the point when it was founded so there was not so many surprising things mentioned for me.

    A couple of special cases about how people use pachube was really interesting though.

    One example is related to the Fukushima disaster. People started to stream their own measures of radiation via Pachube after it turned out that the information the governments provided was not trustful.

    Marian Steinbach also made a visualization about the continuous change of radiations measured in Gremany.

  • On a childhood place
    2011-11-13 | thoughts | read post

    I was in Szeged this weekend and walked out to see the sunset when i noticed this died out lake with a little garbage but having it`s own beauty.

    This seemingly worthless spot is full of meaning for me, it is a spot of my childhood. We wandered here, had war with fictional enemies here, bicycled, sleighed here.

    I was thinking what to do with it. I was thinking if this place is full with memories from childhood, it must be distorted in my mind. I mean, probably i see this place differently according to my memories which mix with the actual view. Then i thought it would be cool to have a draw and photograph of the same view, then somehow to put together to see what torsions the drawing had.

    further view

    closer view