- Floating cloud transportation idea2011-11-25 | design thing | read post
"Passengers would board the “cloud” using ladders, then simply relax as the lighter-than-air structure floats to its next destination. There would presumably be some sort of safety rail feature to keep passengers from falling off like human-size raindrops."
source: http://weburbanist.com/2011/11/09/hey-you-get-onto-my-cloud-bizarre-floating-transport/ - Dancecoding 1 minute video2011-11-25 | just working on | read post
We are just finishing a one minute dance video for a contest with Gás. We mix 3D effects based on kinect depth map with HD video... really cool! - Bitcoin2011-11-23 | inspired me | read post
Interesting open source crypto-currency project. I wonder if one day we can change to something more decentralized monetary model like this.
bitcoin.org - Post-oil era – how will humanity look like?2011-11-23 | inspired me | read post
- Project Thirty-Three2011-11-23 | design thing | read post
- Vacum cleaner post-it trumpet
Of course the idea came when i was supposed to clean my room... - Péter Fankhauser: Meet Rezero, the dancing ballbot2011-11-23 | inspired me | read post
- My blog and commenting2011-11-22 | just working on | read post
I`m working on my blog of course, and I don`t expect a lot of readers for all of this thing are mostly interesting for myself.
But because I passionately support open conversations I will do most of my writing publicly even if my thoughts are sometimes random or inaccurate.
I`m just thinking about the importance of commenting and how should the comments be handled. Using Facebook social plugin is cool because it has the strength of provoking conversations, but usually these comments comes from Facebook are mostly short, random thoughts of the moment, and they are not suitable for adding precious information to a post, because just for one thing: google will not index the comments provided by the social plugin.
Other option is using the website`s own backend to store comments. The disadvantage of this method, that adding comments needs some identification from the user which takes time and may discourage them from commenting. I also found some services which provide professional commenting for your site... I don`t know yet how to handle this... - Ed Borden talked about Pachube
Yesterday Ed Borden was in Kibu and gave an inspiring lecture on what they are working on these days in Pachube. I previously followed the history of Pachube from the point when it was founded so there was not so many surprising things mentioned for me.
A couple of special cases about how people use pachube was really interesting though.
One example is related to the Fukushima disaster. People started to stream their own measures of radiation via Pachube after it turned out that the information the governments provided was not trustful.
Marian Steinbach also made a visualization about the continuous change of radiations measured in Gremany. - Kinect monkeys2011-11-20 | just working on | read post
This is a funny moment from the kinect video - dancers crawling like monkeys...
3D agriculture apocalypse app architecture arduino arrow art art-talk audio Baltan Laboratories Based on Pig beauty beyond data bicycle bird blog book BoP market bridge budapest business card calligraphy camera carrot childhood cinder city cloud collaboration comment cover crisis CSA culture currency dance data design device DIY drawing eco ecowizer Ed Borden effect egg Evan Roth event face farm fashion FAT LAB film fluid fluxus font food fox framework freenect fröccs fukushima fun future gallery game gastro geneva gesture gingerbread glow graffiti green hacking hand html hungary ice idea iMac infographic installation interface iphone javascript Jodi Rose kibu kinect Kitchen Budapest lamp light light year Makifood market matrix Max/MSP memory money monster motion sensor multitouch music myth narrator nature neon nokia 6110i open source organic OS Kantine pachube pancake panda pee phrase physical pirate pixel post-it presentation prezi processing pub pumpkin radio recipe record recorder representation research Restaurant Day resume retro robot scarf servo silhouette simulation skeleton sketch smart snake sound soup sticker storytelling street stupid sustainability tangible team template test tiny wings tomato transportation tree trinity kick typo UI underground underwater urban vacum-cleaner vector graphic vegetable video visualization voice werk whistle workshop